Gas Processing Operations

Our primary objective is the processing of large quantities of Associated Gas given off when oil is extracted from the Bahrain Oil Field enabling the Kingdom of Bahrain to utilize all potential natural resources.

Banagas operate state of the art LPG plant facilities to recover marketable products such as Propane, Butance and Naphtha from the Associated Gas from Tatweer oil wells and Refinery Off Gas from the Bapco field. Liquefied Propane and Butane are transferred to refrigerated storage tanks located at the Sitra Wharf area for ship loading, while Naphtha is sent to the Bahrain Petroleum Refinery at Bapco for storage and subsequent export.

The original plant was commissioned in 1980 with capacity of 110 Million Standard Cubic Feet Per Day (MMSCFD) of Associated Gas. Today Banagas operates two gas-processing trains with a total feed gas throughput of about 300 MMSCFD.

In 2018 The Banagas Expansion Project Tawseah began operation expanding processing throughput by a further 350 MMSCFD. The Tawseah plant is equipped with inlet gas treating, mercury removal, gas sweatening, dehydration, NCL recovery, liquids fractionation, LPG treating, acid and residues gas compression as well as the ability to re-compress and inject excess gas into the field.

CGP I, II and III Daily Production Values in Barrels Per Day (BPD)

12 MMSCFD Refinery Off
Gas Received from Bapco


7 Compressor Stations
360 MMSCFD Capacity

5 Storage Tanks
800,000 BBLS Capacity


Low pressure associated gas is collected from 31 well manifolds in the Bahrain Oil Field. The gas is separated in Gas Oil Separators (GOSP’s) which are operated by Tatweer Petroleum, the Bahrain Field Operator, at a controlled pressure of about 35 psig. The gas from the well manifolds is distributed to all seven Compressor stations operated by Banagas.

Additionally, low pressure non dehydrated Refinery Off gas is also supplied from Bapco refinery to compressor stations 6,7 and 9 where it is compressed along with the Associated gas and delivered to the Central Gas Plant for LPG recovery.


Banagas operates two process Trains with a total gas throughput of 300 MMSCFD. The two process Trains are identical and use refrigerated lean oil-heavy Naphtha to recover LPG from the feed gas. Each Train consists of Condensate, Absorption, Fractionation, Treating and Intermediate Storage sections.

CGP-III is a 350 MMSCFD gas processing plant equipped with inlet gas treating, mercury removal, gas sweetening, dehydration, NGL recovery, liquids fractionation, LPG Treating, acid and residue gas compression, product storage and export via pipelines. The Residue gas produce is re-injected to Tatweer network. Liquid product has intermediate storage on site The NGL recovery is a turbo expander cryogenic unit.

In addition, the gas plant has all auxiliary systems, such as, instrument & utility air, nitrogen, flare/relief systems, open/close drains, fuel gas, chemical injection, hot oil, firewater, MCC, electrical distribution system, continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS), gas detection and firefighting.

Storage and Export

Propane and Butane are stored in refrigerated 3 Butane and 2 Propane tanks in Sitra Storage. Some of the Propane is used as refrigerant to cool down both Propane and Butane products to their atmospheric boiling point of -45 Deg F and +23 Deg F respectively. Each product is stored at its boiling point in separate refrigerated tanks.

The LPG shipping facilities consist of four loading pumps each with a rated capacity of 5,000 bbls/hour, a loading line and a vapour return line, each of which is fitted with fully articulated arms. These products are exported to various parts of the world where they are used as industrial and domestic fuel while some also finds its way into petrochemical feed stock.

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