BANAGAS Celebrating Earth Hour 2023

The Bahrain National Gas Company B.S.C. (Closed) participated in the Earth Hour initiative on 25th March 2023, in line with nogaholding’s direction to move forward towards providing sustainable energy, and in accordance with the Company’s commitment towards its Corporate Social Responsibility, by switching off all the lighting at the Head Office and South Gate Offices from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm.


The Company also urged all its employees to be a part of this initiative by encouraging them to turn off non-essential lights in their homes for one hour, as a contribution towards creating a difference and reducing the impacts of global warming.


‘Earth Hour’ is celebrated all over the globe by switching off all lights for one hour on the last Saturday of March every year, to raise awareness on environmental issues facing our planet Earth. Earth Hour is one of the world’s largest grassroots initiatives with the aim of taking action to ensure a brighter future for our planet and its inhabitants.